About Us

We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Quality Herbs, Helping You Live Life Naturally

I’m James Young and along with my wife Dana, we are the proud owners of J Herbalist LLC. You may be wondering why we decided to create this online herbal market so here’s our story.

Well it all started several years ago. In 2009 I was diagnosed with cancer. It was a very rough time for us I had to have surgery to treat the cancer. That was my first real experience with a life-changing health problem. That would not be the end of our journey the following year 2010 my then 10 year old son had a very bad stomach ache and was having trouble using the bathroom. I didn’t know what to do so I called my wife who worked at the Army hospital on Fort Benning and she told me to get him to the hospital. Once there, they told me that they had to rush him to the Children’s Hospital 2 hours away in Atlanta, once there he was rushed into immediate surgery. It was a long and treacherous process, they had to remove 90% of his small intestines. Some how his intestines had twisted up and had begun to die. I witnessed my son die several times on that operating table the only thing that really kept me was the prayers of my wife and my family and my faith in my Creator. My son would go for the next several years needing a colostomy and even longer needing a nutrition tube 24 hours a day. But thanks to the Almighty Father, today, he is free of medical devices and is attending college and able to experience life like a normal young man.

That would not be the end of our journey, in 2019 we would give birth to our son who would then be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. They told us that he would probably be on medication for life. Later that year I would end up being hospitalized for 3 weeks due to an aneurysm. My recovery which took me another 2 months at home was when I started learning how my nutrition was affecting my health. I decided that it was time to take my health into my own hands. My wife and I had been dealing with a lot of medical traumas but we knew that we couldn’t give up or be defeated. We didn’t want to just focus on ourselves we wanted a way to help others. I really didn’t know which direction to go but I knew I needed to do something. It would be another two years before I knew my calling was to become an herbalist. My wife was totally on board and she agreed that this was exactly what I needed. So we decided to learn about herbs and natural wellness. I began taking courses from Master herbalist and reading lots of herbal books building my love and my knowledge for natural wellness. That is the birth of J Herbalist LLC.

We’re here to provide natural herbal products and information to support wellness for all people. Many of us want access to the power of herbs that our Creator has blessed us with. Whether you are old or young  we’re here to support you on your wellness journey. We support Keto, Paleo, AIP, Vegan, Vegetarian lifestyles as well. If your healthy and want to maintain your health or want support through recovery, we want to partner with you, “Helping You Live Life Naturally!”

Our Company

Welcome to J Herbalist LLC. Our motto is “Helping You Live Life Naturally”. We’re glad you decided to take some time to learn a little about us. We build our belief on Genesis 1:29(KJV) And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Our mission, vision, values

J Herbalist mission is to not only provide a product but a service.


Helping you live life naturally.


  •  Family
  • Service
  •  Quality


Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission to serve you better.


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